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jack bauer


24 – Jack turns the tables; Josef makes his choice

Jack takes on the Russian mob and makes it look easy. Meanwhile, Josef continues to be this season’s most interesting villain.

by Ruby T.

24 – Renee finally does what we all knew she was going to do

Vladimir and Renee push each other too far, proving Jack right yet again. Was Renee’s reaction what you expected?

by Ruby T.

24 – How long will Renee and Josef take the abuse?

Would you agree that this was the best hour of Day 8 so far? By now, it’s no longer just about the action; the level of emotional intensity has jumped to eleven. I think any type of abusive situation — whether between a man and woman or between a  parent and child — stirs our inner […]

by Ruby T.

24 – Dana’s and Renee’s dark secrets are revealed

The Hassan family’s secrets were laid bare last week. This week, we discovered more of the details surrounding Dana’s past with Kevin and Renee’s past with Vladimir (the Russian baddie played to brutal, intense perfection by Callum Keith Rennie, a.k.a. Leoben of Battlestar Galactica). Emotionally, the episode packed a punch and kept me riveted despite […]

by Ruby T.

24 – Jack can handle getting beat up, but can he handle crazy Renee?

I love how getting beat up by a vengeful New York cop doesn’t faze Jack in the slightest. He just goes about his day like it never happened, saves a few lives, heads back to CTU to say so long to Chloe … The guy’s a superhero, and it’s nice to see him occasionally get […]

by Ruby T.

24 – Don’t call him Grandpa Jack; Season 8 brings lots of new faces

Jack cuddling with his cute grandkid Teri was sweet, but judging from the first two hours of 24’s eighth season, I’d say this man has to be the world’s most kick-ass grandpa. Did you see him take out those two hostiles with a fire axe? He barely broke a sweat — and, just think, he […]

by Ruby T.

24 Season Eight – CliqueClack Preview

Going into his eighth really bad day, to say that “Jack is Back” wouldn’t just be a cliche or a retread marketing slogan, it would just be plain annoying. Annoying … but oh so true. 24 has had its good days, average ones, and some were just down right bad. Moving out of LA to […]

by Ivey West
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