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Psych – Should Shawn and Juliet get together?

The crafty scribes penning the scripts down at Psych HQ have been sending us all kinds of mixed signals over the past few episodes. In “Six Feet Under The Sea” we got the big hint from April.  She refused to go out with Shawn because she saw that there is something brewing with Juliet. Great, […]

by Brett Love

Psych stepped up the laughs for me this week

I always laugh out loud at least several times while watching an episode of Psych. It’s not Shawn’s crazy psychic antics, or even Gus’s straight man act. Well, OK, sometimes it’s Gus. More often than not, though, the laughs for me are: One-liner ’80s pop culture references Shawn’s dad and their interactions The situations the […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Psych – Don’t be William Zabka

(Season 3, Episode 12 – “Earth, Wind, and… Wait For It”) Things were just a little bit different in Santa Barbara this week. Oh, there were still a lot of good gags, and a host of obscure references. At the same time though, there was a bit less of the psychic nuttery. Shawn and Gus […]

by Brett Love

Psych – Lassiter goes all Bukowski

(Season 3, Episode 11 – “Lassie Did A Bad, Bad Thing” ) What’s the old saying? “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” Our pal Lassiter got slapped with the Proverbs stick this week. He was in full Lassiter form after bringing in the notorious gangster, Chavez. But it didn’t last long. […]

by Brett Love

Psych – Pa does not love Fa

(Season 3, Episode 10 – “Six Feet Under The Sea”) Finally, the mid-season break is over, and our favorite psychic detective agency is back in business. Thankfully, the time off hasn’t rusted the skills. Shawn and Gus were in top form, tackling a case that not many shows could pull off. I mean, really, can […]

by Brett Love

Psych is back in our lives!

That’s right everybody, Shawn and Gus are coming home (this Friday, January 9 at 10:00 on USA). Not that I didn’t appreciate last month’s Christmas special, but a themed-show doesn’t really allow the boys room to work. Now I know you’ve all been hearing some noise about how great The Mentalist is, and everyone’s arguing […]

by Aryeh S.

Psych – Shawn fools around with Gus’s sister

(Season 3, Episode 10 – “Christmas Joy”) It’s that time of year. Time to be thankful, and be rewarded with a fresh new installment from the fine folks down at Psych HQ. Truth be told, I’m never going to like the whole ‘split season’ thing, and I’d prefer that all the NBC/Universal channels just knock […]

by Brett Love
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