CliqueClack TV
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neil patrick harris


Week in Clack – Premieres, previews and the just plain weird … and Neil Patrick Harris

Week of January 11 to January 17 Clever, insolent, creative, irreverent; even a little twisted. I speak of the writers here at CliqueClack, and the unique posts they churn out day after day. How could we let seven days go by without highlighting some of the week’s gems? (If you’d like to receive this in […]

by Debbie McDuffee

HIMYM’s Barney: To evolve or not to evolve …

Barney Stinson: he’s rude, callous, sexist. He suits up and talks down. He lets the quotes fly and entertains us with his warped view of the world for a half hour each week on How I Met Your Mother. And we love him just the way he is … or do we? As of late, […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Was Neil Patrick Harris the best SNL host this season?

I know that everyone was really excited about NPH hosting SNL, and I certainly thought that it paid off. Expectations are hard to meet, especially when you’re talking about Saturday Night Live, but I thought that this week’s episode was one of the best of the season. Between rocking out the Doogie Howser theme on […]

by Bob Degon

How I Met Your Mother – Read a magazine; everybody does it

(Season 4, Episode 12 – “Benefits” ) Ah, friends with benefits … roommates with benefits … the ol’ college days are coming back to me now. This was the hot topic when you were in your early 20s, but I was a little nervous that this episode would be a bit too immature for the […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Things that didn’t suck this week – orgasmic birth, Red John, fake rap and NPH

“I was purring! It felt amazing!” — Lady hippies have orgasms while giving birth on 20/20. Okay boys and girls, let’s sit down and have a conversation about something. I’ve already talked about my immense dislike of potheads, but that’s really only a subset of my greater enemy: dirty hippies. I started my post-holiday TV […]

by Kona Gallagher

Saturday Night Live – Neil Patrick Harris; Taylor Swift

(Season 34, Episode 12) There was a lot of excitement about Neil Patrick Harris hosting Saturday Night Live, particularly around the secret hidden CliqueClack home base. Expectations were high, which is always a dangerous thing. My expectations were fairly high for Hugh Laurie too, and I ended up hating that episode. Luckily, NPH (and credit […]

by Bob Degon

How I Met Your Mother: Barney is legendary – Guest Clack

Aryeh S. is back guest clacking for us again this week …. First of all, I’d just like to say that How I Met Your Mother is one of the best shows on television today. Granted, the premise has gotten lost (no complaints from me) and the relationship between Lily and Marshall makes no sense […]

by Debbie McDuffee
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