CliqueClack TV
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wil wheaton


Quotation Marks – This week we bring the funny

Here is the latest edition of the week in quotes. Fortunately for us all, we had some new TV this week to pull from. I also, for better or for worse, went a little crazy with the Virgin Diaries (Damn yous, Most of the quotes I pulled from the old episodes this week were […]

by Ivey West

Family Guy and huWil huWheaton

Sebastian’s back Guest-clacking for us again, after sharing his thought about Friday Night Lights‘ last few episodes…. Are you one of those people who can’t stand Family Guy anymore? Hate the silly cutaways? The idiotic antics? The in-your-face humor? Is Family Guy totally getting on your nerves? I hear you. I was right there with […]

by Guest Clacker

Seven really unlucky TV characters

As you know, tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day. What’s that? You forgot? Ho boy, you’re gonna have some ‘splaining to do. Well, if you have someone to ‘splain to, that is. Now, I could go ahead and make a cutesy list of the best ‘ships on TV or the ten kinds of chocolate I’d eat off Sienna […]

by Keith McDuffee

Leverage’s Star Trek reunion – a fun episode, but not very reunion-y

I’ve really been looking forward to Leverage‘s “The Juror #6 Job,” since it’s been hyped as a big Star Trek Reunion. We were delivered a funny, entertaining episode as always, but I was a little disappointed by the reunion angle. I expected to tune in and see the jury box filled with stars from the […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Frakkin’ Clack – Catching up with podcasts; Moore and Vernon chat

Much to the happiness of BSG geeks like me, Ron D. Moore has been doing timely podcasts for the remaining episodes of the season, or at least he has for the past two. It’s always interesting to hear what the man has to say on what he was thinking with certain scenes, and the other […]

by Keith McDuffee

Star Trek: The Next Generation = Better than the Inauguration

Don’t get me wrong — I’m very excited about the possibilities of change for this country that Obama brings to his presidency. That doesn’t mean I’m excited about watching him get sworn in. Never a fan of any pomp, circumstance, ritual or ceremony, I’m sure I won’t be tuning into the Inauguration. But that doesn’t […]

by Debbie McDuffee
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