(Season 2, Episode 6)
Can you believe it’s almost the second series finale of Primeval. And no we won’t get to enjoy the third season premiere the following week. It won’t start until 2009 in the UK, and I’ve not found any specific word on when it might air on BBC America. If they can promise more Hannah Spearritt in her panties than in the first season, I’ll start a campaign right now to get it on the air as soon as possible. Apparently, the show gained some critical credibility and they decided they didn’t need near nudity to sell it anymore. How wrong they are!
That picture over there does not appear in this or any episode of Primeval … but it should. Near nudity always sells a television show. Chuck is a much better show when there’s an excuse to get Sarah in her knickers. Hot chicks always sell, just look at any random billboard. I mean sure, the dinosaurs are kind of cool and there is the threat of Leek and Helen and their cohorts. We do finally get some payoff as to what they’ve been up to all this year, as well as a helluva cliffhanger.
Remember a few weeks back when Leek said he’d taken care of the sabretooth tiger? And what about all the other specimens that have been shunted back through various anomalies? Well, apparently that was just so Leek and Helen could put together their zoo across time. I guess it explains why Caroline was so intent on Rex. Other than the fact that just having a heretofore unknown animal species could mean a huge payday.
As for this week’s new menace, how about a huge mammoth on the freeway? Tell Jenny to keep that hush hush from the media. “No, no it was just a large dog … uh-huh … Steroids. … Yeah, steroids. … Of course it can do that to a dog.” Even worse than the mammoth, though, was the world’s worst rescue victim. Ironic because her son turned out to be the greatest rescue victim of all time, even helping herd the beast. Pathetic that his mother was such a shrieky bitch.
I get that you’re scared, but when the nice man who’s bothering to try and save your life tells you to shut the hell up or you’ll bring the monster closer you shut! The! Hell! Up! Later, we got to see our favorite regular bitch in action. That’s right, Lester had to face off against a monster of his very own in the ARC. Luckily, he got a little help from a mammoth. Unluckily, the gang wraps the night in the clutches of Leek and in the midst of just about every critter we’ve seen, each one locked up in a giant lego cage with laser bars. They’ll be safe so long as the monsters don’t lean on the corners.
I really like this show … while the effects may not approach Lucasfilm levels … the cast and story lines more than make up for it.
Too bad they made so few episodes of this show (although that might also be why it is better than a lot of the other stuff on TV).