CliqueClack TV

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles – Brothers of Nablus



(Season 2, Episode 7)

Holy frak! Right from the opening scene this was a great episode. How freaky would it be to open your front door and see a terminator that looks just like you standing there? You had to know that the Ellison terminator was going to cause our favorite FBI agent more trouble than just an unannounced visit. Ellison ends up in jail for a murder that the machine committed. I hate when that happens.

The real interesting part here is that Cromartie saved Ellison from his doppelganger. Claiming that Skynet didn’t believe in Ellison like he does, Cromartie left the stunned agent to live another day. Why would Cromartie be so convinced that Ellison will lead him to the Connors? Does he have some knowledge from the future? I mean, he’s a machine, he must know something; it’s not like he’s forming independent ideas. Even though Catherine Weaver later tells Ellison that she has faith in him, these are still just machines. I mean, they’re not Cylons, right? They don’t have a god, do they? I hope not. That would be a pretty big leap in the Terminator mythology. Lucky for Ellison, judges don’t take so kindly to witnesses who see naked murders coming out of energy bubbles, and they let him go.

Meanwhile Cromartie was on the hunt for the Connors, armed with a couple grainy photos of John and Cameron. It probably would have been better for everyone if Cameron had just snapped the neck of her friend, Jody, during that bad acid flashback while she was at the halfway house. Jody, annoying as ever, helped out Cromartie… until he got impatient with her and shoved her out of a car. That was satisfying. I never thought that Garret Dillahunt could get creepier than when he was beating up hookers in Deadwood, but tonight he was uber-creepy. To say his fake machine-smile is off putting would be an understatement.

It seems like there is something interesting simmering under the surface of the Jesse/Derek storyline, but we certainly haven’t gotten there yet. Hopefully that is going to pay off soon.

There were lots of biblical references in this episode. Faith was a major theme, as the machines showed faith in Ellison, and Sarah showed some (misplaced) faith in the one of the thieves who broke into her house. She let him live, and by the end of the episode Cromartie had him spilling the beans on the location of the Connors. I loved watching Cameron gun down the other thieves, though. I tend to forget that she is a terminator sometimes. Tonight she terminated. She terminated real good.

John continued to be an annoying teenager in this episode. They keep plugging that they’re going to kill a character during the sweeps period in the previews. I can only hope that it’s Riley. She only serves to accentuate John’s annoying teenager tendencies. I don’t think she has any other use.

What did my fellow Terminator fans think about this episode? Are you growing impatient with the Jesse storyline? Any theories on who is going to be taking a dirt nap soon? Are you wondering if Busy Phillips can get any more pregnant before she bursts?

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

7 Responses to “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles – Brothers of Nablus”

November 3, 2008 at 10:24 PM

Don’t mess with a Terminator’s leather jacket.

Ditto on Dillahunt – Creepy W – Mega Creept Terminator

Ditto on Riley – Her exit needs to happen soon.

I can be patient for the Jesse/Dereck thing to play out. I’m pretty sure it ends in a gore by Dereck’s hand.

These episodes are just getting better!

November 4, 2008 at 1:04 AM

See, BSG… I’m just not that into it. Maybe it has everything to do with the crap that is John Connor’s character.

If anything, this show has made me be really interested in what the new movie will be like. I mean, the first three movies, and this show in particular, have done an incredible job in building up my view of what the man John Connor will be like.

November 4, 2008 at 8:48 AM

Dorv- I won’t deny that John is an annoying little putz at this stage, and it would be nice if the Godfather would appear and slap him around saying, “You can act like a man!” – just do what I do ignore him for now and focus on everyone else :)

November 4, 2008 at 1:44 AM

I want a stronger John Connor! okay, he’s a teenager wanting a normal life, i get it, but he needs to grow up…whenever the promo said he’s the “future leader of mankind” I cringed a little.
Sometimes I wish the writers would stop building plots for so many episodes, seems like most of the story in the episode was just filler with a few scenes being the real meat in the overall plot. I know they’re waiting for the sweep to get everything rolling, but I much prefer the jammed pack mini season one when they only had nine episodes to tell the story.
It’s still my Monday night appointment though, can’t wait for next week.

November 4, 2008 at 9:51 AM

What’s a nubain?

November 5, 2008 at 11:10 AM

Can I be honest? While I enjoy this show, a big part of it is watching Summer Glau and Lena Headley. I’d like to think I’m way more evolved than that, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to looking forward each week to seeing these two incredibly sexy actresses in very sexy roles.

The Jesse storyline is underdeveloped and boring, imho.

November 5, 2008 at 12:52 PM

There have been a few times when I wish I could have gotten an annoying broad out of my car like Cromartie did this episode. That was awesome.

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