CliqueClack TV

Heroes – Save the cheerleader comes back



(Season 3, Episode 9 – “It’s Coming”)

This episode really didn’t grab me, which is what I’ve said about all the previous episodes this season. Many of my friends have already cut the cord on Heroes, but not me! I’m staying til the bitter end, dawgawnit.

So they’ve returned to the original image of the eclipse, with Suresh’s droney voiceover at the beginning, noting, “When the moon passes between the sun and the earth … anything is possible.” Really? Anything? Is it possible that this show can be saved? Because I think the heroes should start working on that project before they take on the world.

I was so craving waffles, after Kona and I remarked on all the tasty plastic food on Hiro and Ando’s table at the bowling alley. In fact, I actually went and tossed a couple of Eggo waffles in the toaster. Boy, were those tasty. Inspiring me to eat waffles was by far the best thing about tonight’s episode. But I still think it’s unlikely that Ando could have made Hiro blink and transport them to the Waffle Palace or wherever they were.

As far as the rest of the episode, I think it was all engineered to form the two groups at the end – one with Arthur and one with Angela. But Nathan didn’t end up with Arthur, which I’m sure ticked Arthur off royally after telling his favorite son, “We can save the world … together. This can be our legacy.” Think again, Arthur.

I also appreciated the weird electric foreplay between Elle and Sylar. That was pretty cool. And Claire hurling herself out of a building and falling several stories never gets old. It would be no big surprise if she ends up being the catalyst. It all goes back to the “Save the Cheerleader” storyline from season one, as does Hiro’s comic book telling him and Ando what to do.

The weird mind-meld between Matt, Daphne, Arthur and Angela was just … weird.

Your thoughts?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

8 Responses to “Heroes – Save the cheerleader comes back”

November 18, 2008 at 10:24 AM

The sequence where Parkman went into Angela’s mind (I guess, that’s what he did, right?) to try and free her reminded me a little bit of a David Lynch dream sequence. All it needed was some creamed corn and a dancing backwards talking midget and voila! Twin Peaks.
Arthur is showing that he’s got a teensy weensy soft spot still in there by freeing his wife from her mental prison. I just hope they don’t f it up by giving all of the characters these conflicts of, “Am I good? No, I’m evil! Wait, but I can be good!”

November 18, 2008 at 11:34 AM

I must be getting disillusioned with the show, because I was not impressed with this episode. I thought the big reveal about Claire’s specialness was anticlimactic.

Cate, does Arthur have a soft spot for Angela or was she using a power of persuasion thing (a power that many have speculated she has — but have no proof)?

November 18, 2008 at 11:43 AM

I like to think it’s a soft spot for his wife. If she does have the power of persuasion, why hasn’t she used it on him before? Also, it seems like a few characters have a similar ability to make people do what they tell them. If she has that power too, they make her seem weak in comparison to the others (Matt, Doyle) and I’m trying really hard to forget that this show has a bad habit of portraying the women as either helpless, or scheming bitches, regardless of their ability.

November 19, 2008 at 12:54 AM

Still hoping that Claire’s a fakeout and the real catalyst is Ando. Kaito Nakamura hid it in someone, and we now know his son has known Ando at least since he was 10. I know he met baby Claire, but would still prefer Ando to be special.

The only powers we’ve seen from Angela thus far have been prophetic dreams.

November 19, 2008 at 5:18 AM

I hadn’t thought about that, but it would be perfect for Ando to be the catalyst. He deserves to be upgraded from sidekick status. I cringe with pity every time Hiro bosses him around.

November 19, 2008 at 8:00 AM

Wow, I think you might be on to something there. That might explain why Ando kills Hiro in the future line. Maybe Ando finds out that he is special and sides with the folks at Arthur’s company, he gives them the catalyst and gets powers. No more mister nice Ando. :D

But yea, the Claire thing was just tooooo easy. I thought her as soon as they said that it was a person.

November 19, 2008 at 10:42 AM

I hope we find out that Ando is the catalyst. That would be a better storyline I think.

November 19, 2008 at 12:00 PM

I thought the Claire thing was too obvious, too. Could it be like Ryan suggests and the catalyst is Ando but Claire is the antidote?

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