CliqueClack TV

Medium – Why can’t Ariel find a nice guy?


Poor Ariel. She is a very sweet girl, smart and pretty to boot. So why can’t she find a nice boy who shares her interests instead of using her to look out for his own?

I’m beginning to think every guy she goes to school with is a douchebag. That, and they are all attracted to her for some reason. A few weeks ago it was the lazy pothead, and now this asshat. Sorry, I can’t remember his name, so I’m afraid I’m going to have to keep making up names for him as I go along. OK, OK, I will go look it up. Gavin Coley. I think Asshat suits him better, but Tool and Dillweed are also options.

I don’t know if this is laziness on the writers’ part, recycling old stories, or just wanting to show Ariel’s “teen life” without having to dish out the money for another quasi-regular cast member, but I’m getting a little tired of Ariel meets boy, boy is no good, Ariel is disappointed.

And also, I wish she would’ve gone to her teacher and explained the situation and given that little stinker his just desserts. She wouldn’t have gotten in any trouble, all she had to do was explain that if she had known it was a copy of the test, she wouldn’t have done it. Unless all her teachers are douchebags too, in which case, I’m at a loss.

One scene I did really enjoy was her talk with her mother at the end. It was good that she explained the benefits of not always being able to have that clairvoyance in a situation you’re personally involved in. Ariel is still young and impressionable after all, and if she didn’t get that bit of sage advice she no doubt would have blamed herself, to the detriment of her own self-worth. That’s not really something I want to see on this show.

So what are you thinking about Ariel’s trials and tribulations and high school romances? Is it getting old? Does she need a steady boyfriend already?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Medium – Why can’t Ariel find a nice guy?”

March 10, 2009 at 8:02 PM

Honestly, I’m confused. I thought her “skills” were different than Alison’s, in that she could read minds (the driving lesson, for example). Maybe only seconds before.

I don’t mind her trials and tribulations, but I do hate that she is still so damned unconfident (that’s not a word, what is the word? I’m very tired). It seems Ariel got her personality from the lesser DNA, because mom and dad are very confident. It just seems they didn’t pass that on to their eldest. Bridget sure has it! It’s too early for the younger one, but with her sweetly huge eyes behind those pop bottle (aging myself) glasses, I’m sure her confidence is up for grabs.

March 11, 2009 at 1:49 AM

Good point about the mind reading, what’s up with that? It seems like the writers change Ariel’s skills to suit whatever the week’s plot demands.

I thought this was a great episode, though. Entertaining throughout. I liked how Allison’s dreams tied into the week’s mystery. The bad guy was sufficiently creepy (something about it also reminded me of a book we had to read Freshman year called Z is for Zachariah – has anyone else read that?). Such a good show.

March 10, 2009 at 8:05 PM

Asshat. Very fitting! I like that.
And yes, in some way I do wish they would incorporate some type of boy friend situation for Ariel just to have someone in her life that was at least a friend. But they did touch on the driving earlier, so I imagine the ‘boys’ will be close behind.

March 12, 2009 at 2:46 PM

I’m probably in the minority but I’m not fond of the Ariel character. She’s kind of a mean big sister always trying to put Bridget in her place so I kind of like it when Ariel gets conned every once in a while. She needs to be knocked down a notch or two from time to time. I can’t get enough of Bridget and Marie – so cute. Bridget’s subplot from a few weeks ago – with the teacher who had a mole that she couldn’t stop drawing – that was fascinating. And it was pretty cool how last season Marie could ‘see’ cable shows on the TV that no one else could because the channel was not part of their service. I know it must be hard to incorporate the kids on such a complex show with so many adult regulars and guest stars, so I do think the writers do a good job. I just wish Ariel would mature a bit faster. Adolesence can be such an obnoxious time.

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