CliqueClack TV

Is that really how you planned this storyline to end, Ghost Whisperer? – Open Letters

Jennifer Love Hewitt and David Conrad of Ghost WhispererDear Ghost Whisperer people,

Remember back last season when we got that cool, cryptic finale with the missing shadow — who was missing? What did it mean? Not only did you come back from the summer hiatus completely ignoring that particular scene, but you didn’t give us any clear resolution on what it meant. Payne leaving? Jim dying? Melinda losing weight?

And then for this season we did get Jim dying, and stepping into Sam’s body and all these promises of getting to see that lost chapter of Jim and Melinda’s love when they were first dating and courting and goo-goo sugary sugar lumps. So we’d get to see their relationship from the beginning? Hardly. Instead, we got Melinda crying and acting all crazy because she knows Jim is in there and Sam acting all crazy because he doesn’t know what the hell is going on.

Yes they went on a few dates, but those mostly didn’t go well and the normal courtship was hardly present as they were shoving Sam’s disbelief of ghosts down our throats the whole time or having Melinda run off to deal with ghosts. And then, out of nowhere last week, it’s all over. Jim’s back. One hundred percent Jim’s memories, albeit in a different body.

Sure, maybe on the outside we’ll get to see a new courtship, as they fake it for the neighbors or whatever for awhile. But with Jim’s memories completely back, the relationship isn’t starting over anymore. It’s picking up where it left off. Does this mean Sam will get a job as an EMT again? Does everything go back to the status quo?

I have to say, if this is our payoff for the season-long story, then I’m not sure what the point was. To come back to status quo only with Jim in a body that looks different is just confusing. New viewers certainly won’t understand that, unless you plan to never show Jim’s reflection again. Was this really your plan all along, or was this a cop-out when the storyline wasn’t going the way you liked? Or worse yet, did you give in to some fan backlash?

This was supposed to be your big storyline for this year and this is how you ended it. Talk about boring. Burn me once (shadows) shame on you, burn me twice (Jim 2.0) shame on me. Or maybe you’re just not very good at these payoffs. Maybe David Conrad (Jim) was going to leave the show and then changed his mind. I’d almost forgive you if this was just your way of working through a major contract dispute. But I don’t think it was. I think you just kind of suck.

Yours truly,

Jason Hughes

Photo Credit: CBS

3 Responses to “Is that really how you planned this storyline to end, Ghost Whisperer? – Open Letters”

May 17, 2009 at 11:45 PM

I think you have voiced the opinion of many of the CBS GW board.
Many members feel lied to , cheated, and think they are on a wild goose chase around the mulberry bush. We all know how the mulberry bush ends with the weasel going POP. That is how many perceive their show will end…no BANG, but a Pop most unsatisfying as it is. Frankenjim needs to go back to the lakehouse, pick the right door. Melinda if she is comatose or sleeping needs to awaken. Zoe needs to come back to Eli, and for heavens sake please have the person who is writing in the Book of Changes spell Moreno. Have the person look up the origins of the Book of Changes and the use of the MIW the Egyptian Cats…

May 17, 2009 at 11:49 PM

Jason , I would formally like to invite you to come join the Ghost Whisperer message board.

May 26, 2009 at 8:55 PM

wow, Jason.
I was kind of getting what you said but then you lost me.
I liked the way it ended.
It left me wanting more.
you were right though, very confusing.

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