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Real World: Brooklyn – Ryan gets bad news

rwep11If it wasn’t for Ryan, this season of Real World: Brooklyn would be pretty much unwatchable. Chet and Katelynn have had their moments, but Ryan is easily the most compelling figure in the house. An Iraqi Freedom Army vet, Ryan is still dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and has been dreading a possible return to Iraq. Much to my surprise, last night’s episode was able to capture the raw human emotion that has been lacking in recent Real World seasons.

Ryan finally starts to, as he says, “crack his shell” and open up to the roomies about his time in Iraq. He shares a scrapbook that documented some of the things he witnessed while overseas. Baya, Scott and Chet find it difficult to fathom what he endured inside a war zone. Ryan is such a happy-go-lucky guy, it is strange to think of him storming through a door armed with an M-16. He does an excellent job concealing the fear and pain that still haunts him.

In order to help cope with his post-combat problems, Ryan pays a visit to the offices of the IAVA (Iraqi and Afghanistan Veterans of America). He signs himself up to march in the upcoming Veterans Day parade and also plans to attend a benefit gala for the organization. So, he and a fellow Army buddy walk the parade route and then swap some eye-opening stories over a few beers. We find out Ryan was decorated with the Army Commendation Medal for his service.

Politics also take center stage as the house convenes for an Election Night party to celebrate Barack Obama’s win. Ryan’s support for Obama had much to do with Obama’s assertion that he would begin to pull troops from Iraq after 16 months. Dressed as Uncle Sam, Ryan and his fellow Democrat pals hit the streets to party before returning home to deface Chet’s ridiculous cardboard cutout of himself. Chet, a Republican, was none too pleased. Get over it, Chet.

The episode culminates with a phone call from Ryan’s brother, Aaron. He informs Ryan that the Army has recalled him to active duty beginning in February 2009. Ryan is so shocked he thinks Aaron is fucking with him. Unfortunately, he wasn’t. Watching a stunned Ryan breakdown is, in a word, sad. Scott does his best to console him, but Ryan’s defences are shattered by the prospect of going back to Iraq. It’s not often that the Real World gets “real.” When it does, it makes for powerful television.

Photo Credit: MTV

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One Response to “Real World: Brooklyn – Ryan gets bad news”

March 19, 2009 at 11:28 PM

Great review. I agree with you. It was probably the best episode of the season because of how “real” it really was.

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