CliqueClack TV

Harper’s Island – Something about those eyes


Harper's Island eyes


I have to admit that, even though I said last week that you could wake me in six weeks when Harper’s Island reveals the killer(s), things have picked up the pace to where things are getting more interesting. We’re getting a few clues thrown into the mix that have made Deb and I say, “wait a minute … did you catch that?” It’s about time!

One thing that somehow hadn’t occurred to me until this past episode was the odd flashback we keep seeing of Abby’s mother hanging in the trees. In every episode we see this scene, and there’s always a very quick, creepy flash in there of the mom’s eyes open. I never thought much of it, but then I thought: what is that supposed to mean?

Remember a few weeks ago that there were those sinister messages left behind for the Sheriff, the ones with the red eyes? I thought that was pretty odd and figured it had to mean something. But now I’m wondering if it was left as more of a clue for the viewers to pick up on than for Sheriff Mills. It’s definitely connecting with that little flash of a scene for me, but I’m just not sure why yet.

Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of theories being added to the comments of previous posts, and they’re scattered all over the place. I’m definitely learning more toward Abby’s mother being directly or indirectly involved in what’s been going on, whether it’s that she’s not dead or that brief vision of her eyes open means Abby is just crazy as a shite-house rat. Based on the theories I’ve seen, at least one or two people feel that way as well.


I’ve been getting bits and pieces of clues as well. One thing I thought was strange in this episode is that Sully defended JD; said he knew him and that “you should see him and Henry. They’re like best friends.” Say wha…? Why would Sully say that, since it couldn’t have been farther from the truth? JD ad Henry haven’t seen eye-to-eye for one moment during this entire series, so something’s fishy there.

Now, I’m not convinced of Cal’s guilt, but remembering his creepy face from the last episode and combining that with him convincing people to stay on the island and also being the one to find Malcolm’s skull in the incinerator, they sure are making him a bit more sinister.

I’m stcking with my theory I wrote about last week: Abby is Wakefield’s daughter. We’ve got the journal now to prove it (just wait … I’m telling ya) and now a motive for Wakefield coming back for the mother in the first place, all those years ago. And did you hear JD on his deathbed? “It’s all about you, Abby.” Yep, and somehow that money is going to tie in….

Photo Credit: CBS

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

27 Responses to “Harper’s Island – Something about those eyes”

June 8, 2009 at 12:52 AM

I’m leaning towards Henry as the killer after the last episode. When Cole Harkin was killed he was the only person who was alone other than JD, who has been ruled out due to the whole death thing, and Shane, who has been locked up for ages. Jimmy and Abby were together; Sully, Beth, Chloe, and Cal were together on the boat; Shea, Trish, Katherine and Danny were together at the Inn.

June 8, 2009 at 4:07 AM

the flash of her mom’s eyes while hung in the tree has freaked me out since episode 1 or 2 (whichever was the first one that showed that in the credits)

June 8, 2009 at 11:17 AM

From the first episode I’ve pegged it on Abby. I do think she is crazier than a shit-house rat. And, I also think Wakefield is her father. There is a remote possibility that the Sheriff knows this; but I think he DOES know she’s crazy, and has been trying to cover up for her. I don’t think Abby is as down with Henry marrying Trish as she let’s on.

Mom’s eyes could look so forlorn because it was her own daughter that strung her up, after she found out that Wakefield was her father. Abby could be suffering from split personalities at this point.

From the first episode, when she was treated with kid gloves and portrayed to be such a good girl, I didn’t trust her. Show’s definitely picked up…here’s hoping the ending packs a wallop!

June 20, 2009 at 7:39 PM

i think henry is wakefield’s kid, they never mentioned if it was a girl or boy

June 8, 2009 at 11:24 AM

I’ve always thought it was Henry, based on some heretofore unexplained history between he and Abby, but I really like the theory of Abby being crazy and behind everything.

June 8, 2009 at 11:28 AM

I’m loving the mystery of the thing, but I know I’ll be disappointed in the end. Just because I’m a logic guy, and I’d really like to think that there’s a motive behind all this, and not necessarily someone just being bat-shit crazy. Because, lets be clear… Some of these deaths, you’d have to be f’n crazy to think this up.

I still subscribe to the theory that its more than one killer, possibly working independent of each other. And the theory that it possibly wasn’t the cousin that died under the boat in the pilot still rings possible. And, I still don’t know if Wakefield was the original killer. I love the theory that Wakefield is actually Abby’s father.

June 8, 2009 at 4:18 PM

I like the Abbey theory but didn’t Jimmy confirm that he saw her hiding when the original murder took place so she couldn’t have done them but the new ones yes. I’m still not sure about Cal and also the wedding planner. She knows the island inside and out

June 9, 2009 at 9:27 AM

As we’ve still got six episodes to go, seeing Henry all bloody at the end of that episode would seem to disqualify him as a suspect in my book.

I think it has to be someone who knows the island well, and who is still on the periphery so that they aren’t raising any red flags. That’s why my money’s on that blonde girl who’s the local bartender.

Why would she be doing it? Maybe she’s trying to clear the field to get either Jimmy or Henry?

I also think Abby is the daughter of Wakefield, but that he’ll turn out to be a red herring like Uncle Marty. He’ll finally show up, we’ll all think he’s the killer and bam! (Or whatever sound effect will be the title of that episode) – He’ll be dispatched by the real killer.

I suppose it’s out of the realm of possibility that Abby’s Mom was alive when she was seen hanging in the tree? Has the sheriff or the coroner ever said that they examined her dead body?

June 10, 2009 at 6:25 PM

OK first off for all of you who think its Henry your morons its obviously not him he was crying when they showed him indicating he found JD fisrt and probably ran off to get help. But im liking the theory that its campbell,and the bartender. personally i thinks its Jimmy. in the last episode when all the lights went off he sure got there quick, then in several episodes when people were dieing he was unaccounted for, Where as henry and any one else you can think of was. Another thing it couldnt possible be abbey, JD’s dieing words were “its all about you Abbey”

Clearly the killer has a vendetta against her and wants her dead.

June 11, 2009 at 5:25 PM

We’re all forgetting someone: Maggie, the owner of the Candlewick. She wasn’t on the boat or in the kitchen when J.D. was killed. Weren’t two murders (Lucy and Hunter)done with something from the Candlewick? She would have the master key, and would be able to enter any room and plant items (the article on Abbey’s mirror, and the phone in J.D.’s pants). Furthermore, she says to Trish and Henry: I’ve got it all planned out. What planned out?

Furthermore, she’s one of the few characters (except for the bartender) who has been the least shown, but still alive.

However, a main hole in this theory is no motive, as far as we can tell.

June 13, 2009 at 2:12 PM

Sam k. Thats an intersting theory Seeing as trishs mothers china set was broken she would have access to the rooom but like you said no motive.

This show is awesome i cant wait for tonights episode….. And for all of you who think its Henry YOUR WRONG… Watch me be right lol hahahahahahahahaha

June 13, 2009 at 5:53 PM

I THOUGHT THE SAME THING WITH THE EYES!! Creepy. Here’s my theory. Abby’s Mom and Wakefield have an affair love each other but feel there’s no way for the two of them to be together. So they stage her death along with actually killing 5 other people. It’s kind of like the illusionist. She doesn’t really die. I don’t think we’ve ever seen a gravestone for her or anything like that. Unfortunately Wakefield gets killed which leaves Abby’s Mom pissed and starts killing people because maybe she blames Abby. Second when J.D. tells Abby it’s all about her I don’t think that the killer would come up to J.D. and be all like “I killed all these people this way and I wanted to kill this person for this reasons and it’s all linked to Abby.”
No J.D. was attacked and obviously linked the person to Abby right away without dialogue between the two. Since J.D. and Abby have known each other through Henry for a while J.D. definitely would know what her Mom looks like.
This is my theory. It’s probably off but the eyes opening each time freaked me out too and so I thought probably she’s still alive.

June 13, 2009 at 10:39 PM

So I def think that since Abby is Wakefield’s daughter, her “dad” (aka sherriff guy) is the killer and he killed his wife as revenge and he blamed it on Wakefield and he was gonna kill his daughter but Wakefield must have caught him killing someone else and he killed him and blamed it on him before he could kill Abby, so now he’s recreating the murders. Im not positive obviously but i think that after this last episode its a good guess. Or maybe Abby’s dad only killed them and had no intention of killing Abby too and it really is the mom and shes ticked bc Abby’s dad killed John so she’s after him. Im not sure how everyone else plays into all this but we’ll all figure it out soon enough. only 4 episodes left.

June 14, 2009 at 1:08 AM

It can’t be the sherrif, he was on the bed at the hospital with cal and chloe while the step mom and beth were murdered, he was missing the morning the state police are supposed to arrive because he was hurrying to check on abbey

June 15, 2009 at 7:08 PM

I agree that it can’t be the Sheriff unless he has help. He was inside the cabin when Harkin was killed and he was inside the truck when JD was killed. I think there is more to Sully then we know. He ahs had some odd reactions to things, and he keeps saying he wants to leave the island yet never does.

June 15, 2009 at 11:12 PM

Honestly I think it is Kelly and she somehow faked her death. The whole eye thing, place red ink in Abby’s mom eyes and we have Kelly when the ME examined her. Maybe she was given up for adoption, and she found out after the serial killings, that she is actually Abby’s sister. Of course Abby left right after the murders, leaving Kelly behind. Next, the last person she was seen with before she was “killed” or “hung” (just like Abby’s mom) was JD. That is probably how he knew it had something to do with Abby. Yes, I am saying that maybe Kelly is Wakefield’s and Abby’s mom love child.

June 16, 2009 at 9:48 AM

Has everyone forgotten about Nikki? Where has she been?

June 16, 2009 at 1:21 PM

Hmmm…interesting but how could Kelly fake her death? Didn’t numerous people examine her body (Sheriff, ME)?

Maybe it is Beth…nobody touched her, just saw her lying there bloody. She could have skittered away down the tunnerl and grabbed Abby too!

So many theories and so little spoilers available! :)

June 17, 2009 at 7:23 PM

It’s Henry and Shane. Henry shot the deputy in an attempt to free Shane, not J.D. Henry and Shane have had two fights and there’s been no blood. CBS is trying to sell you on the fact that they hate each other. Either Henry or Shane is Wakefield’s kid. When Shane was in jail, the killings were just one per episode. Now that he’s out, they’ve increased. Henry was there when Trish was almost killed in the pool, he was in the tunnel tugging on Abby’s legs, he knows how to rig a boat (Hunter, Cousin Ben), and he decided to have this wedding on the island. Madison also trusts him.

June 20, 2009 at 7:43 PM

i agree…could shane be wakefield’s kid too?

June 21, 2009 at 1:51 PM

I am truly addicted to Harpers Island. Very well written show. I read one theory where in the very end it shows Abbey getting on the boat to go the the wedding and it was just a book she wrote. when i first read that i thought that it was crazy but now as the show progresses i am starting to belive that more. i really hope the show does not end that way but it just might.

June 21, 2009 at 1:54 PM

i do not think it is shane because remember the guy who was killed under the boat. well shane was on the island when he was killed! So it is NOT SHANE! i <3 shane

June 21, 2009 at 1:59 PM

I also do Not think abbey is wakefeilds daughter.

July 7, 2009 at 5:31 PM

WHO WAS RIGHt…………………… We said jimmy and bammo therrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre’s Jimmy.

Theory: Jimmy is wakefields kid and hes seeking revenge on abbey and her dad.
Now i know what your thinking there half bro and sis that kind of disgusting but this is the mind of a psyhco path. Now on the off chance that we’re extremely wrong on this we’re just gonna say its not our best theory the last episode didnt give us much to go on for theories.

July 9, 2009 at 6:00 PM

Has anyone been to hapers globe online? That is supposed to be the online companion. If you read their Harpers Island Wiki it gives you details about the characters and there’s even a synopsis of whats been going on with Harpers Island and Harpers Globe. I’m sure you’ll find the section on Wakefields diary especially interesting.

July 9, 2009 at 6:03 PM

One other thing – My theory:

Abby is Wakefield’s daughter and while he’s there for revenge on the people that took her from him, there’s another killer that’s been around for a while now…I think Henry or Jimmy or maybe even both of them working together. But I don’t think Wakefields kid and the second killer are one and the same.

July 15, 2009 at 8:00 PM

So what was with the open eyes? why put a clue like that out there and never explain it. I saw that too and every week i tried to figure out what it meant. Why put it out there if it wasn’t going to be explained???

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