CliqueClack TV

Relationships new and old on Greek

Greek episode 3.7 - Rusty, Dale, Calvin

Falls really do hurt more the higher you’re starting from, huh? Because, while I was extremely excited to see Dale as last night’s episode of Greek opened, hearing, and then seeing, Jordan and Rusty on a video call was overwhelmingly disappointing. Didn’t we get rid of her last week?

Okay, so as the story evolved it became clear that they’re just friends, although Rusty’s mooning over her. That makes sense. I suppose I just didn’t expect to see her again, and I neglected to take kids and their new methods of communication into account.

Dale, meanwhile, is back following what would appear to be some failed Christian rehab. You know, it’s funny seeing him as an atheist lothario, but at the same time it’s not a pleasant side of him. Dale’s strength comes from above.

Casey acted on her suspicions regarding Cappie and Evan last night … she, of course, is correct, but that doesn’t explain why she had to know whether or not they were friends again. Even her share during her emotional purge (I’m really glad, as dumb as it is, that she’s not going to be a part of Amphora as well) didn’t really explain it so much — if she feels badly about splitting them up, why not butt out now? Her meddling almost busted them up again, although I’m not quite sure what Cappie would be mad at Evan about … so what if he told Casey that Cappie was going after her?

I am a little disappointed that the friendship is to remain a secret one — although another KT/Omega Kai brawl is always welcome — and I’m not sure I’m totally clear on the reasoning. It would be plausible to explain how they made up without revealing Amphora secrets, so why does their friendship need to remain in the dark? And why does it now seem as if it’s a three-way secret friendship?

Once upon a time I really liked Ashleigh. And I’m not just referring to her as Casey’s sidekick; I think she and Calvin made for some good times, too. So why is she now relegated to “W” story lines (that’s real far down the ladder) about Clueless? I’ve never seen it — or The Goonies, for that matter, so those references went over my head — but I don’t need to have to know how she’s being labeled. We can already guess that Ashleigh’s everything that an affinity for the movie implies … did it need to be slapped in our faces?

While I was wrong about their being roommates by this point (it’s coming), I totally called the road trip that Calvin, Dale, and Rusty took (I believe that would be a dirty .385 now), no matter how short a ride it was to the Cincinnati Comic Con. According to Dale,  “Comic Conventions are crawling with hotties, everybody knows that” … um, sure. It was a pretty apt place for Rusty and Dale, although it was funny to see Calvin’s inner nerd peek out, too. Rusty got hit hard with his video feed rejection, but I think Dale got it worse when he discovered Vampira 69 to be none other than Sheila — yikes!

Cappie’s safe sex PSA was interesting, and I liked how the writers worked a platform for the information into the script itself, in his conversation with Beaver while Casey spied on them from outside. Interesting use of cross-marketing, and nice for it to be for something other than a product, for a change.

I’ll leave you with some Dale:

“I’m going through a lot of changes.”

“Dale Kettlewell is in a relationship with God” – Dale’s new relationship status (nice!)

Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

7 Responses to “Relationships new and old on Greek”

October 13, 2009 at 3:48 PM

Fun episode, I like the little thing at the end with Cappie, it fit well and didn’t seem too lame.

It was nice to see the three guys together and the guys having a storyline, unlike most of the show.

You forgot the best line of the night while Ashleigh was talking to Casey right before the title screen.

“Do you even go to class anymore?”

It was perfect because you almost never see the guys in class and the writers were making fun of themselves.

October 13, 2009 at 3:53 PM

Grrr… I meant to say you never see the girls in class!

October 13, 2009 at 4:34 PM

Nice; I forgot about that one! :)

October 13, 2009 at 3:51 PM

Also to me you are batting a .308, which ones are you counting? I have reason 1, 5, 6 and 8. :-p

October 13, 2009 at 5:11 PM

Well, I did call it “dirty” ;)

I have 5, 6, and 10 as definites. Then 1, 7, 8, 12, and 13 as somewhat fulfilled, partially fulfilled, or on their way. Since this isn’t as clear-cut as baseball, I’m giving myself some percentages here, some there, doing some fancy rounding, and coming out with 5 for 13, or .385. You may refer to it as mathematical literary license :-).

October 13, 2009 at 4:07 PM

Maybe my favorite episode of this season (i loved Freshman Daze) :
Cappie/Casey/Evan love these guys together
Rusty/Dale/Calvin love these guys together, enough said.
euh no i forget..Fisher/Ashley was ok
p.s:i like Rebecca but i didn’t miss her
Rusty and his love stories are pretty annoying, and his goofy smile first was kind of cute but now it’s tiring.

October 13, 2009 at 7:56 PM

Yeah, it didn’t even dawn on me that Rebecca wasn’t there, even positively. Maybe I can stand her … nah. ;)

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