Each week, I slave over a hot laptop to bring Medium fans news, promos, and other goodies associated with the show. These are some of the highlights from the past week at Medium Dreams. Enjoy!
- Here’s the promo for this week’s episode, called “The Future’s so Bright.” In it, Allison has to wear shades. Get it??? In any case, she sees numbers on people’s heads that correspond with the number of days they have left to live. Lee has a “1” on his head! Ack!
- As long as we’re talking about promos for this week’s episode, here are the promo photos!
- CBS has been interviewing the real Allison DuBois, and in this video, she and Medium Executive Producer Glenn Gordon Caron talk about the origins of the series.
- As Brett can attest to, I was super-excited to hear a Paula Abdul song during a key scene in last week’s episode. Here’s the song, in case you were one of the viewers who was wondering what it was. The video co-stars Keanu Reeves!
- Once again, it’s my favorite part: Dueling reviews! Here’s Brett’s take on last week’s episode, “Once in a Lifetime,” and here’s mine. We were both caught off-guard by all of the twists.
Photo Credit: CBS
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