CliqueClack TV

Greek – At least they didn’t do something stupid like dress the girls in skimpy outfits

Greek row is alive with baseball fever as the All-Greek softball tournament pits boyfriends against girlfriends, and pairs the unlikeliest of teammates.

With so much recent time focused on the system’s Blue Ribbon points, it occurs to me that we spent a good two seasons plus on Greek (almost five chapters) with nary a mention of them. Was that because they didn’t exist when ZBZ was consistently number one, or because they’ve only become important now that ZBZ is scrambling for them? Either way (if those are in fact two different possibilities), it’s fun to see the houses actually doing productive things together, all working towards a common goal.

Last night that goal involved the All-Greek softball tournament. The inevitable twist and turn of events led Casey and Cappie to square off, as ZBZ and Omega Kai teamed up to take on the KTs and the Gamma Psis. Funny how animosity and bad feelings disappear in a flash. But then where would Greek be without all the drama?

Actually, the ZBZ/Omega Kai pairing was rather surprising, notwithstanding Evan’s explanation to Rebecca at the end of the episode. We’ve had the #1 with #1 mantra drilled into us for so long that it seems unlikely that anything else could possibly take place. Besides, wouldn’t it seem like it’d be good for ZBZ’s climb back to the top to take a different route? Omega Kai being perfect all of the time can get rather boring too.

And especially now that we’ve been getting so many great reveals about the KTs. We spent time with them before, but with Casey dating Cappie again we get to see a more intimate side of the house. Their showers are known as the vomitorium during parties. Beaver apparently has a sweet spot for Ashleigh, although not one that resides like a void in his heart, thankfully. And Heath looks like he might be into getting back together with Calvin, if given the chance.

Which I think Rusty should keep pressing. What side of himself did Grant show to like? I’m sorry, but that crap about being able to be who he is was just that: crap. He’s sensitive, and still a bit insecure about coming out to his brothers (and I’m sure others), and he’s jumping down the throat of anyone who appears to deliver even the mildest of slights. I’m not saying it’s a minus (although Calvin should run fast), but it’s definitely far from a plus. Only when he can ignore real taunts will he be living as himself without letting others dictate who he is. And Calvin shouldn’t wait around for that.

Rusty and Grant time was funny though. The good thing about Grant (in this situation) is that he was always right in the middle of all the prick stuff that the Omega Kais did, which means that he and Rusty sitting there trading barbs about their shared past was hilarious. Rusty usually reserves that edgy side for the Omega Kais, and he had his finest Evan-fighting face on last night.

I don’t get new Rebecca. She may have been slowly changing before, but it’s really only these last few weeks that have found her suddenly not believing in love, hating fairy tales, and eating small bunnies. It’s crap, because she was definitely in love with Cappie. The writers can try to reconstruct her character all they want, for whatever reason, but the bottom line is that she’s suddenly transparently fabricated. I could have done without her before, so where does that leave me now?

The ZBZ/Omega Kai team conference on the pitchers’ mound was funny, although I’m not quite as sure about Evan’s timing. But what’s going on between Casey and Cappie? She was talking to Ashleigh after the game as if she needed to start sacrificing for her relationship, but the only thing she was lamenting was not throwing a softball game. We’ve seen things blown out of proportion, but this was calling a gecko a dinosaur. There’s enough real drama in life and particularly on Greek … why manufacture it?

In closing, I loved this episode’s closing. First Rusty finally asserting some control over the pledge class — what the hell is wrong with them that they didn’t understand showing pride in their house? But the movie of the night? It would have been awesome to see them act out A League of Their Own.

“I don’t know what cliche means.” – Beaver to Ashleigh, in the batting cage

“He’s just so … so … mentally challenged.” – Ashleigh to Casey, about Beaver

Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “Greek – At least they didn’t do something stupid like dress the girls in skimpy outfits”

February 10, 2010 at 2:28 AM

Just an fyi, it’s Omega Chi, not Kai.

February 10, 2010 at 9:09 AM

Thanks for the correction! I’ve seen both and wasn’t sure which was accurate.

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