CliqueClack TV

24 – Double-crossings, shootings, kidnappings, bombings – oh my!

The twist with Tarin actually surprised me tonight -- and I loved how the hour ended!

24 - Jack Bauer sweeps the area

Woohoo! 24 kicked it up a notch with this episode, making up for the past couple of slow hours. This episode had it all — kidnapping, shootouts, double-crossings, secret files, bombs, and suspicious glances flying across the aisles at CTU.

Although I don’t like Kayla, I finally got sucked into the kidnapping story, especially when Tarin seemingly succumbed to his feelings for her and tried to help her escape. When they made that mad dash for the exit, I was like, “WHAT?” After confirming last week that Tarin was a total scumbag, were we really now going to find out that he’s a big softie? I’ll admit — I totally fell for it. Well done, 24 writers. You got me (for once). I believed for one brief shining moment that love had conquered all.

Then Arlo’s drones finally worked for once, and we saw Tarin alive and well, looking like he had just double-crossed someone and was a little bit sorry about it but also a little bit proud of himself for pulling it off so well. You bad man.

I loved how chaotic the ending was. The EMP knocked out everything at CTU, and while this certainly must be very bad for the city of New York, it’s probably a good thing for Dana Walsh. I don’t think she turned herself in yet, and now maybe she’ll be able to put off Mr. Prady, Kevin’s (utterly obnoxious) probation officer. What’s up with that guy anyway? Maybe Prady is just an honest person … or maybe he’s up to no good. Regardless, I can’t stand him. I want to poke his eyes out.

One other thing worth mentioning — File 33. President Hassan probably has plenty more secrets where that came from. I think it’s interesting that Hassan had this devastating information in his possession and could have used it against the U.S. It shows that he chose peace even though he could have chosen to be like Samir and Tarin. It also shows that he’s hiding some extra cards up his sleeve. President Taylor, I’m sure, will have something to say about this. Fortunately, Madame Boring was not a part of this episode. Perhaps she’ll resurface next week. I actually prefer watching the interesting dynamic between Hassan and his wife.

What did you think of the episode? Leave a comment, and share your thoughts.

Photo Credit: Fox

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “24 – Double-crossings, shootings, kidnappings, bombings – oh my!”

March 16, 2010 at 10:06 AM

I fell for the fake-out as well. And I mourned the one poor CTU security guard that died trying to drive the bomb away.

Yes, Prady’s an honest probation officer who drove all the way from New Orleans up to New York to bang on Federal agency doors at 3:00 a.m. because he felt bad for Kevin, ignoring the dozens of other parolees he’s supposed to be monitoring back home. There’s no way he’s a criminal that got screwed out of his share by the two guys he’s hellbent on finding. Or that they hired Stephen Root because he’d make a great bad guy.

File 33 meant that Hassan could have inflicted more casualties on the U.S. with suitcase nukes, but it’s still not a war he could have won. The American response would have destroyed the IRK regardless of the result, as Taylor reminded him earlier.

March 17, 2010 at 8:09 PM

Milton: NYPD told me to talk to CTU and then CTU told me to talk to NYPD and I still haven’t received my suspect and he took my red stapler and he never brought it back and then they moved me to interrogation room B and there was garbage on it…..

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