CliqueClack TV

South Park and the greatest episode title ever

It didn't matter if the episode sucked or not. For no other reason than my being a completely immature, grown adult, I can't not constantly laugh out loud at the title of this episode alone: 'The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs.'

- Season 14, Episode 2 - "The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs"

One of the best parts of this episode was its title. Oh there have been some doozies: “Osama Bin Laden Has Farty Pants”; “Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset”; “Mr. Garrison’s Fancy New Vagina”; “Eek, A Penis!”; “Guitar Queer-o.” This was probably one of the better ones in a while.

Another obvious sign of my immaturity is how I always seem to find it funny when something makes a character on South Park puke. Since this episode was chuck full of upchuck … well, it was freakin’ funny.

It’s usually pretty tough to get very analytical about an episode of an immature cartoon, but this episode did try to hit on a point: people will make up the craziest reasons for why a book or a movie is “moving” or  symbolic, when the creator of the work had nothing at all in mind when writing it. It’s like looking up into the sky and making up what the clouds look like, then people around you agree because of the power of suggestion. I’m not sure if Parker and Stone have a grudge against J.D. Salinger, per se, but they’ve definitely got it out for the mass buying up of bullshit.

Best quote from the episode:

“Matthew Broderick, are you upset your wife is made fun of so much in the book?” – Reporter
“Well, obviously I think it’s just wrong to make fun of anybody’s physical appearance. My wife is a beautiful woman, and I know that most people agree with me.” – Matthew Broderick
“Uh huh. And Matthew, how come a transvestite donkey witch is standing next to you and why is it wearing a dress?” – Reporter

Photo Credit: Comedy Central

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | South Park | TV Shows |

One Response to “South Park and the greatest episode title ever”

March 27, 2010 at 1:59 AM

The best title they’ve had is “Tsst.”

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