CliqueClack TV

FlashForward – A step backward

After a promising return last week 'FlashForward' seemed to return to the slightly disappointing form that we've grown accustomed to. I think it just comes down to the fact that most of these characters are pretty boring.

I was happy with the return of FlashForward last week, asking for more of Simon, as I felt that his character was the most interesting and complex on the show. So, how does the program answer my pleas? With an episode that barely featured any Dominic Monaghan. Instead, the focus seemed to shift to Aaron for a good portion of this episode. Certainly, there was some movement in the stories of Demetri, Janis, and Mark, but the focus was definitely on Aaron and his daughter.

Aaron has never been my favorite character, but I haven’t hated him, either. It seems like more often than not he and his story are just diversions from the central plot of the show. Hopefully everything is going to come together and Jericho is going to be involved with the blackout, perhaps they are even the same group that caused it. However, with Aaron on his way to Afghanistan, where he was in his flashforward, it’s going to be a challenge to work him into the central plot. In any case, I’m glad that he has a direction and a “mission” at this point. Throughout the first part of the season he seemed a bit aimless.

Demetri and Janis were also a big part of this episode, and I think that’s why I found this installment pretty dull. Janis’s story has always been one of the least interesting on the show for me. I just don’t get her motivation for the baby. With knowing that the future can be changed, why is she so desperately trying to have her baby right now? Does she think that because the doctors told her she would have a difficult time that this is her only chance? At the end of the day, I just don’t care.

I’m still banking on Demetri turning out to be a bad guy. I could be way off base here, but I’ve been saying it since day one and I still think it works. The only reason that I could think for Mark to kill him would be if he found out that Demetri was involved with the flash, maybe even acting as a mole. Of course, with the murder weapon going missing it certainly looks like anyone could be the trigger man, not just Mark. It seemed to me, though, that Demetri really didn’t want Zoey going through the files. Was there something in there that might have given a clue to his involvement? Am I totally fabricating all of this? Regardless, I’m going to be really annoyed if he doesn’t end up dead before the end of the season. With so much time being spent on the question of his murder, it’s going to be a huge let down if the future is changed, or if there is no big event.

In any case, this episode seemed like more of a bridge episode than anything else. Last week there were a lot of big developments, and it looks like next week half the team is going to be investigating the initial blackout sight in Somalia, which should be interesting. It also looks like we will finally get some information on what Charlie saw in her flashforward.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “FlashForward – A step backward”

March 28, 2010 at 6:37 AM

So is this episode 12 or 13 cause i’m confused. Last one was double so this one should be 13.

March 28, 2010 at 10:04 AM

According to, this was the 13th episode, though they had previously listed last week’s episode as 12 and 13, so you’re not the only one confused.

March 28, 2010 at 10:05 AM

At the end of the 2-parter last week, Simon killed his “uncle”. He said he was making it look like a heart attack or something… whatever. However, there was still the dead body in the back of the SUV. and the FBI girl was still at his house. Yet, this week they were both back in FBI-ville like nothing happened. Did I miss a scene, or did people just not notice that Simon’s professor friend was dead in the trunk? I understand Janice is horrible at her job, but surely she would notice the dead body of the person she was talking to hours ago.

March 28, 2010 at 2:46 PM

You didn’t miss any scenes…. Not sure that I can say anything in defense of the show, or that I even want to defend the show. You raise good, legitimate questions.

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