CliqueClack TV

Business suits and football – Guest Clack


Emily Land is this week’s guest commenter-gone-writer. Going by the pseudonym “emland,” Emily is a 40-something, married mother of two and a US Navy Wife (Ret). You can finder her discussing America’s Next Top Model (among other things that are important to her) on her personal blog.

Business suits and football

The two just don’t seem a natural fit. I say this after watching about half an hour of ESPN’s SportsCenter that didn’t contain any actual athletic event, where the men just talked about football.

I grew up and still live in the south, so football being integrated into everything isn’t that surprising. I know people that can talk about football at any time. Go to a wedding and the men that have been unsuccessful in begging off can be found in a huddle, talking about football. Monday morning at the office water cooler there is always a discussion of the upsets of the college games the afternoon before. It isn’t even unusual to hear football talk at a funeral. “At least Bob got to see the Steelers win another Super Bowl before passing!”

What I did find odd about this program was that it consisted of two men wearing expensive looking business suits, sitting at a giant plexi-glass desk infused with primary colors. It just seemed so contrived and out of place. Instead of the big shiny desk, why not theater styled seating? Replace the suits with team jerseys, sweatshirts and casual pants. The product placement contracts would easily pay for a new set and it would allow the viewer to connect better to the hosts of the program.

I would also like to see the former players who come on as guest commentators discontinue the practice of wearing earrings. It completely ruins my image of the manly football player when he wears giant diamond studs like my grandma used to wear to church. Remember fellas, accessories need to enhance your outfit, not distract from it!

I fully expect to be labeled “out of touch,” “unhip” or whatever else young people call us folks over 40 these days. I just think if you are going to talk about football, you should look like you know something about football and not look like you’re filling in for Entertainment Tonight.

Photo Credit: ESPN

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2 Responses to “Business suits and football – Guest Clack”

November 12, 2008 at 4:55 PM

I’m 25 and really have no interest in football whatsoever (ok, make that most sports) but I have to say, I agree. It’s just goofy. However, I’m sure it’s all in the interest of “being professional” and wanting to be taken seriously as a legitimate (sports)news program. As for the earrings….I am at a total loss.

November 13, 2008 at 8:11 PM

It would be nice if they all looked like Kirk Herbstreit. :)

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