CliqueClack TV

24 – Do the leaders seem kind of lame?


Rogue agents in crawlspaces, toxic insecticides, chaos in the White House … ah, it’s good to have 24 back, even if we’ve seen it all before.

It’s been, well, 24 hours since I saw this week’s episode, and I’ve been trying to figure out what was noteworthy about it. I keep coming back to how lame the leaders of the various factions are. See if you agree:

Larry Moss. He’s supposed to be running the FBI office, but so far, all he’s done is moon over Renee to the point of a nervous breakdown. I guess I’m used to Jack’s stoic and steadfast perseverance. You keep going, even if you’ve just shot your best friend. Meanwhile, while Larry is looking for his stash of Xanax, we’ve got little Janis Gold talking a chemical plant supervisor through a really dangerous procedure. Something’s not right here!

The chemical plant manager. It just seemed so weird for him to keep calling Janis “honey.” Like, really weird! I guess we’re supposed to see the irony of little Janis talking this big burly guy through a deadly maneuver over the phone. At one point, she says to him, “Normally, I don’t allow people to call me honey, but we can discuss that later,” to which he replies, “Sounds like you need to lighten up.” Really? What the heck was that all about? The country’s under a terrorist attack, and your plant is the target!

Dubaku. Here’s a tough guy who’s in charge of this terrorist ring that’s threatening to take out thousands of people in the U.S., and he rides the train back to his apartment? And makes small talk with his neighbor? Did I miss something here? Like perhaps the channel spontaneously changed to another show on a different network?

The President’s husband. What a doofus. Although I did appreciate the fall he took over the balcony, after which he managed to kill Brian even though he was still partly paralyzed. Still, being the President’s husband, he should have realized that there might be other bad guys out there ready to do him in. Instead, he just starts walking out the door, leaving a trail of bodies in the apartment! Argh!

The President herself. She just doesn’t seem that leaderly to me. I realize she’s got a tough situation on her hands, but it seems like mostly what she’s done is wander around the office wringing her hands and putting out press releases with the word “outrage” in them.

What do you think? Am I off base here?

Photo Credit: Fox

Categories: | Clack | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “24 – Do the leaders seem kind of lame?”

February 4, 2009 at 9:56 AM

Loved this post. Would be great in the “Really?!” segment on SNL :-)

February 4, 2009 at 11:15 AM

When I first saw this President in Redemption I thought she would be lame. I wished they would have kept Daniels. He was never boring. And I guessed last week the 1st man would get nabbed by the guy outside. That was too easy. And wouldn’t Dubaku’s picture be all over the tv by now as a wanted terrorist? And what was up with him and that last phone call he made with the SS guy? They showed him holding the phone to one ear, then they switched camera angles and he had the phone to the other ear, then they repeated this a few more times. He has really fast hands. I still think Moss is the FBI mole and he is feeling really guilty about getting Renee mixed up in his treason.

February 4, 2009 at 5:31 PM

Larry Moss really is the one that bothers me. I mean, he’s such a lackluster character, its almost funny. I really dislike him, and not in the same way that we disliked the leaders of CTU in S1 and S2.

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