CliqueClack TV

See Jane Clack – Buffy/Spike vampire love, 24 doldrums, and freaky mannequins


This week in Jane’s World, I saw the light regarding that punk-rocker vampire Spike, and it was bright and shiny. But 24 is making me blue, and those mannequins are freaking me out. Read on for my clacky thoughts, and feel free to add your own in the comments.

Buffy Update: I’m feelin’ the Spike love. I’m in season five of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and when it comes to Spike, I totally get it now. At first, I didn’t understand my veteran Buffy friends’ lust for Spike, but I just watched an episode that brought it all home. It’s the one that ends with Buffy sitting on her porch, all despondent over her mom’s illness. And low and behold, that bleachy-blond Spike really does have a heart after all. He sits next to her, and it’s a simple act that’s also very comforting.

I can’t wait for a Buffy/Spike hook-up, because I just know it’s in their future! And I so appreciate all of you letting me  clack about the show here in all my newbiness, without tossing any major spoilers my way. Degon, I’m still watching Angel, and you’re right. It’s definitely picking up in season two. Cordelia’s growing on me, even though Darla is getting on my nerves.

Is it time for 24 to call it a day? I’ve been whining all season about how 24 just isn’t doing it for me. Really, where else can they take the show at this point? They’ve been everywhere, Jack’s done everything, and how do you top a White House assault? I keep thinking they’ll send Jack into space to defuse a bomb on one of those satellites he’s always downloading intel from. My nephew just told me that next season might be the last, with a feature film to follow at some point. That would be fine with me.

Those new Geico commercials are stupid. I’ve been a major fan of most of the Geico commercials over the past few years. Loved the cavemen and predicted they’d have their own TV show (short-lived, though it was). And the little lizard with the British accent is cute as the dickens. But what is up with those stupid commercials with the money-eyes? They don’t talk. They’re not cute. They’re just awkward and dumb. OK, I feel better now.

The Old Navy mannequin commercials freak me out. Is there anything more creepy than talking mannequins? What is this, like a horror movie-advertisement crossover? One of the mannequins even breaks off his finger so his girlfriend will have a finger to wear her ring on. And don’t get me started on the one where the female mannequin has blacked-out private parts and says, “What? You’ve never seen plastic before?” I don’t care what anyone says, it’s all seriously creepy.

What made you clack this week?

Photo Credit: Fox

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3 Responses to “See Jane Clack – Buffy/Spike vampire love, 24 doldrums, and freaky mannequins”

March 23, 2009 at 7:10 PM

The Old Navy commercials aren’t creepy. They are just annoying as hell.

March 23, 2009 at 7:45 PM

I beg to differ… I was in an Old Navy today, and the whole freaking mannequin family is right inside the door, to greet you with their creepy immobility — even the dog! On a leash; the paradox of the millennium….

March 24, 2009 at 6:32 AM

Trust me Jane Spike/Buffy is going to be really really interesting. She’ll be sweeping stuff “under the rug” and at other times she won’t even need to hide because nobody will notice ;-)

Oh and Black-haired Willow is the other awesome thing.

Damn it I have to watch Buffy again.

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