CliqueClack TV

Real World: Brooklyn – One more blow-up before goodbye

realworldfinaleReal World: Brooklyn came to a not-so-rousing conclusion last night. I kind of expected a tepid finale considering how boring this season’s cast has been. The drama of Ryan leaving for Iraq wasn’t enough to salvage an episode filled with more petty squabbles over bland household pranks. Yet another girls versus boys battle broke out. Big surprise, right?

The point of contention involved the gals blaming JD for pulling a prank on Ryan and Chet. JD had nothing to do with pouring soap in Ryan’s milk, but that didn’t stop the dynamic duo of Ryan and Chet from attacking him. The ladies thought JD was cool with taking the heat. Oops. JD reveals he was an innocent bystander. It takes some convincing, but the guys finally accept JD’s version of the story. An already edgy Ryan goes nuts, then JD goes nuts, then Sarah freaks out, blah, blah, blah… ZZZZZZ….

In other news, Baya, Scott and Devyn decide to stay in the city and room together. I guess that could work. Scott seems to be getting the better end of the deal. Oh, there was one bit of excitement in an otherwise dreary final episode. Ryan, Scott and one of Scott’s pals got into a bar scuffle. I hesitate to call it a “fight” because it was mostly shoving and wrestling. It did galvanize the manly men for protecting their territory. HOORAAHH!! Having been a participant in a bar fight myself, I can attest to how empowering they can be. Getting punched in the face sucks, but as long as you get your shots in, it’s all good.

Then it was time for the roomies to pack their bags and say their goodbyes. Hugs and kisses were traded; tears were shed; all was forgiven. They all gave their requisite “I gained a bunch of new friends” speeches and declared how much they will miss one another. In other words, a typical Real World ending. Nothing new to see here, folks. Ryan did sing his infamous “Tampon Song” one last time. It really is a catchy tune, and a fitting way to close out the 21st chapter of The Real World.

Before I go, I’d like to add a few nuggets from the Reunion Special. Katelynn and Sarah genuinely dislike JD. All three snapped at each other the entire hour. Chet is a sensitive, caring kid. He truly loves Ryan like a brother and has no problem saying so. Lastly, I must pat myself on the back for correctly predicting Ryan and Baya getting together. Despite Ryan’s impending deployment to Iraq, both he and Baya still plan to start a relationship. They make a cute couple; hopefully it will work out.

There you have it. The Brooklyn cast has been set free. Where will the next group of strangers congregate? How does Cancun, Mexico sound? Damn, I’d audition if I wasn’t such an old bastard. Hasta la vista, fellow Real World watchers. Are there any of you still left?

Photo Credit: MTV

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2 Responses to “Real World: Brooklyn – One more blow-up before goodbye”

April 2, 2009 at 9:47 PM

Yeah…the season started out pretty promising but honestly maybe it’s just because we’re so used to all the roommates being dumb frat guys and sorority girls that do nothing but fight, get drunk, and hook up with each other, but this season was just flat out boring for the most part. Skipped most of the last few episodes and just turned in to the finale and just saw more of the same with the whole boys vs. girls issues and the pranking. Yawn.
Ryan and his story were the best part of the season for me, and I wish him the best as he heads out to Iraq again. Katelynn on the other hand has to be one of my least favorite cast members ever, and it has nothing to do w/ her being transgendered.
The reunion show was just all kinds of uncomfortable as it usually is. Clearly, Ryan hates Sarah with a passion and no one seems to like JD very much. Even the guys could only defend and tolerate him so much. Dude clearly has issues, not to mention a very short fuse.

April 3, 2009 at 5:31 PM

While I wasn’t impressed with this season’s cast, they did restore my hope that if the producers tried a little harder they could make this a good show again. Find people with a few morals and values that are on the show to do something other than get drunk and have sex, just find people more interesting than this cast!

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