CliqueClack TV

24 – Tony’s a cold-hearted dick

24_042009As 24 episodes go, this week’s was an emotional one. With Larry dead, Jack half-dead, and Renee grieving the loss of Larry, things were just not good. Maybe it’s time for Chloe to swoop back in and save the day. What happened to her anyway? We need her back in the fold.

Could Tony be so dumb that he thought Jack wouldn’t put two and two together? And when Jack approached him at the end and drew his gun on him, Tony tried to talk his way out of it, even throwing Jack’s mental stability back in his face, saying that’s why he’s confused.

Jack’s not confused. He knows exactly what Tony did, and at the end of that scene, he knew for sure. Tony is one cold-hearted dick. I don’t even care if someone shoots him right now. Please, put me out of my misery.

And argh, when Tony smirkily said, “I never wanted to hurt you, Jack. I told you to stay out if it, but you wouldn’t listen, would you?” I just wanted to punch Tony in the face for saying that.

Jack has a granddaughter named Teri! Damn right Kim should have told him that! Doesn’t he deserve to know? Sure, Jack’s a loner and has his own rules, but that doesn’t mean he gets to shut everyone he cares for out of his life.  You don’t get to do that, Jack.

Hodges’ fake-real suicide attempt … bah … He’s such a loser.

As always, I await your insightful thoughts on 24.

Photo Credit: Fox

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “24 – Tony’s a cold-hearted dick”

April 21, 2009 at 12:07 AM

No silent clock for Larry? That’s cold.

April 21, 2009 at 2:09 PM

I hope Tony survives this season – I think he’d make a great nemesis for Jack in Season 8. Plus, I’m still adjusting to the idea that Tony really is one of the bad guys (at least, in our eyes); to me, it’s a somewhat jarring twist – especially after seeing Tony as one of the good guys for so long.

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