CliqueClack TV

The Unusuals – Yes, a murder store can be funny


The Unusuals is really sucking me in, and I’ve gotta say, I can’t wait to see what happens in tonight’s episode.

After the first episode, I wrote about how Shraeger and Walsh were the most mesmerizing characters on the show. But tonight, I’m changing my tune and spreading the love to Delahoy and Banks. Their scene in the murder store as “Steve and Bob” was ridiculously funny. Also loved the part where they had the woman’s wife-beater husband in the car, threatening to take him “way out” to a hospital on Staten Island if he didn’t promise to stay away from her. Rivals the cat-killer in the car with the cats scene.

Shraeger’s storyline about getting the guy off who peed on the cop’s shoe had some high moments, too. Even though it was drama’d out by the new stuff we know about her relationship with her dad.

Eddie knows Chinese! Or whatever language he was speaking to that Asian guy. Interesting that his wife works in the D.A.’s office.

And it looks like Henry could prove to be a really interesting character. Having blast-from-the-past Frank back in his life is gonna blow up in Henry’s sanctimonious face. I’m sure he’ll end up doing stuff he’d rather not so Frank doesn’t rat him out to everyone (and so … the cops don’t do background checks on their people? Seems like they’d know about his sordid past, but then, maybe the Sarge already does).

Anyway, loving The Unusuals so far. It’s making me laugh, and I’ve already forgotten that Harold Perrineau was on that other weird show about the island.

Your thoughts?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “The Unusuals – Yes, a murder store can be funny”

April 22, 2009 at 5:25 PM

I really like this show too. It’s really charming and fun. Delahoy and Banks are the best part of it. The murder store concept was weird but hysterical. I loved the end when the guy came up to Delahoy and told him he wanted to kill his boss while Delahoy was wearing his NYPD jacket. And the part in the store when they were dealing with the guy who wanted to “make them all pay”. Classic.

April 22, 2009 at 5:49 PM

I’m an episode behind, but I have to say that this is the first show in a really long time that hooked me and my wife immediately. We set our season pass during the premiere’s first commercial break!

April 24, 2009 at 11:31 AM

Okay, two minor complaints that are developing for me: Cole’s entire shady past storyline, and Beaumont and Walsh sleeping together. Everything else is rocking along for me!

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