CliqueClack TV

Get Out! – T&A travel at its finest

clubine1Attention all straight guys, lesbians, gay dudes who like fashion and straight girls who enjoy poking fun at dimwitted models. I have a show for you. It’s called Get Out! and it airs on HDNet. If you’re a fan of scantily clad ladies prancing around exotic locales giggling at things that aren’t remotely funny, program your DVRs, people.

Join main host Lindsay Clubine and her friends Misty, Katie, Brooke, Heather, Kelley and many others as they tour the beaches of Mexico, Panama, Belize, Australia and the US, spreading cheer and getting shitfaced at every opportunity. Get Out! is classified as a travel series, but so was Wild On. Both have very little to do with educating viewers as much as they do showcasing the world’s best party spots.

If you want informational guides and money-saving tips, watch Globe Trekker or Rick Steves’ Europe. I dig both those shows for entirely different reasons. Rather than focusing on water sports and bar-hopping, they explore foreign cultures and provide excellent advice about easing the travel experience. However, sometimes thongs and body shots are more to my liking. It just depends on my mood.

Get Out! has the added bonus of beauties without brains. While enjoying a helicopter tour of Waikiki, hostess-with-the-mostess, Lindsay, pointed at a waterfall and queried the pilot, “Where does all the water come from?” After a long pause, the pilot answered, “Rain.” Bless her little heart; she’s a dingbat, but she’s gorgeous. Not to be outdone, co-host Misty was loudly booed after butchering “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” during a San Francisco Giants game. She took it in stride with the knowledge that she’s incredibly hot and the host of a television show.

Being an enormous Wild On fan, I’ve been searching for a suitable replacement since it ended its run a few years ago. Mission accomplished. Get Out! has already filmed ten seasons and is gearing up for number eleven. You can catch episodes at 3pm weekdays and Thursday nights during prime time at 8pm. If you don’t presently get HDNet, what the hell are you waiting for? HDTV prices have dropped recently, so stop with your excuses.

To ward off summertime blues, I’ll be back periodically over the next few months with reviews of some other travel shows. I promise they won’t all be of the T&A variety. My interests are varied. Overall, I give Get Out! 3 out of 5 beach chairs. It’s loads of fun with plenty of tanned female bodies. There isn’t any ancient architecture to ogle, but there is a bar in Cabo with dozens of bras and panties hanging from the rafters. That’s what I call classy.


Photo Credit: HDNet

Categories: | Clack | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “Get Out! – T&A travel at its finest”

May 22, 2009 at 1:49 PM

You want mindless entertainment on HDNet? Try “Art Mann presents…” from “Wild On”. If you have nothing better to do late at night, try it.

May 22, 2009 at 2:54 PM

Been there, JT. Hot chicks, drunken antics, great late night TV!!

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