CliqueClack TV

Will you be tuning in to Jon and Kate: The Next Generation?

Gosselin_FamilySooo, Jon & Kate. Don’t know if you’ve heard much about them since their show took a hiatus back in June. You know, other than reports about Jon’s new girlfriend, Jon’s other new girlfriend, Jon’s new place, Kate’s new place, Jon’s constant thoughts about his children, and, of course, the growth of Jon’s balls after filing for divorce. I mean, besides that, the couple has been absolutely, totally mum.

The reason I ask is that Jon & Kate Plus 8 is returning to the TLC schedule this Monday, with all new episodes. And, I’m wondering if you’re going to tune in and watch the train wreck that has become the Gosselin’s life. I’m sorry, was that editorializing? Let me try again. I’m wondering if you’re going to get suckered into watching the travesty that TLC is airing to make more ill-gotten money. Still editorializing?

Ah, hell! What am I thinking! You’re going to watch the first episode, at least.

I can’t blame you. With the reports of Kate’s newfound motherhood, and Jon’s newfound freedom (and manhood), you would be naturally curious to see how Jon & Kate: The Next Generation, was going to pan out. There’s no doubt it’s going to be a different show, now that there will be a separate focus on Jon (when he’s not snogging his girlfriend), and Kate (when she’s not expanding her career), as they deal with the kids residing at Gosselin House. Thing is, will different be the same as interesting?

From some of the previews airing on TLC’s website, I’m not too sure. According to them, viewers can look forward to Kate building a tent for the kids (with help from the unseen support staff), Jon making homemade pizzas (with help from the unseen support staff), and additional exciting adventures. With it being just Jon or just Kate, something will definitely be missing.

What made the original Jon & Kate the success it became was the playful (soon to turn into spiteful) sniping that took place between the couple. Now, it’s just going to be one, or the other, on camera. I guess what will make it interesting is to see them holding back their true feelings about each other, and the potential visit by “outside relationships,” as described by TLC executives during the Television Critics Association meetings.

So, I ask again … will you be turning into Jon & Kate Plus 8: 2.0? If so, I can see two things happening. One is that you will get hooked on the show, and watch it until the very end. The other is that you scream “That’s it!”, rip the TV out of its outlet, throw it down the stairs, and sit down with your partner, asking, “So, how did we meet again?”, in an effort to save your own relationship.

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7 Responses to “Will you be tuning in to Jon and Kate: The Next Generation?”

July 31, 2009 at 9:54 AM

Not a snowball’s chance in hell.

July 31, 2009 at 10:49 AM

Nope, I’m done. I wouldn’t even watch the Ace of Cakes season premiere with Kate and the kids. I turn the channel when TLC does promos for the new season. I was a loyal fan and purchased the first book, but I was done as soon as the divorce was announced. I’m not so naive as to believe that divorce is going to “go away” in the world just because I don’t believe in it, but when a couple states on tv that they are renewing their vows so that their children can see that they are always going to be together, and just a few months later files for divorce, I’m just disappointed beyond words and I can’t find any joy in their story anymore.

July 31, 2009 at 11:25 AM

I can’t believe people watched bitch and loser and their children to begin with. You could have watched the first episode and see that they couldn’t stand each other, but Jon just didn’t have the balls to do anything.

That brings me to my next point, Kate is more of a man than Jon ever will be. Jon is a loser, simple as that.

July 31, 2009 at 11:57 AM

Nope. I used to watch every episode, but only lasted a couple of this season’s episodes before bailing. My reasons concur with Cadam, above.

August 18, 2009 at 3:54 PM

not any more, it was to be about the kids, but now its more about jon and that bitch kate, never again will i tune in to them or any show that they are on

August 24, 2009 at 10:34 PM

Never,Never will I watch this show again or ANYTHING to do with Jon or Kate. I am so sick of them acting like hollywood movie stars while the kids get pushed off on nannies and suffer from the divorce. Get a life Kate be with your kids when they need you the most. Like right now. You nor Jon have any talent, we liked your kids- well all except that snotty one that acts like Kate.. Jon n Kate are nobodys and need a real reality ck! The show was about how a family with 8 kids cope. Well they didn’t cope so bye bye dead beats. Quit using your kids!!!

September 29, 2009 at 11:56 PM

The two of them r repulsive!

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