CliqueClack TV

Why did the FlashForward happen?


I mentioned this in my review of last week’s episode of FlashForward, and I’m still curious: why did the flashforward occur? I’m a whole lot less concerned with the the hows and the whos at this point, but I’m fascinated with the motive of blacking out the entire world for 137 seconds. I’m just not sure what a shady secret organization could accomplish is such a short period of time, or why they would need to black out every single person on the planet.

I have, however, put together some options that I think are, at the very least, feasible.

  • It was merely a side effect of an experiment: Perhaps there were researchers somewhere fooling around with some high level physics, trying to realize time travel (without having to find that island from Lost). Maybe the experiment worked and sent a shockwave of sorts across the world.
  • It was fallout from some other event: As we saw at the end of last week’s episode, this was not the first blackout that occurred, with the first happening on a much smaller scale in Africa during the ’90s. There was also a strange object seen in the sky after the blackout. Commenters have suggested a mushroom cloud or some other event. Perhaps that event is the real culprit and the flashforward was simply a result.
  • It was done to mess with people and cause general mayhem: It’s possible that there was a group behind the blackout and they were just out to cause trouble, as some groups are wont to do. Obviously the flashes have really gotten into the heads of most people, some completely changing the course of their lives. Could this have been the motive all along?
  • It was a message from the future: Maybe the flashforward didn’t even occur in the present day, but was instead initiated on April 29, 2010. Perhaps there was some large event that caused the happenings of that day to be plunged into the past. It would make for an interesting show, but I don’t think my brain could wrap itself around the time-travelly shenanigans. Perhaps when all the flashforwards are put together some sort of message will be revealed, some horrible event that can be stopped if the people only realize what is going to happen.
  • Something bigger and badder was set up in those 137 seconds: It could be that some shady conspiracy is planning something much bigger than the flashforward. Perhaps they really did have something to accomplish in the brief period of time. What it could be, I have no idea. Bombs? Thefts? Kidnappings?

What do you think was the motive behind the blackout?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Why did the FlashForward happen?”

October 14, 2009 at 11:22 AM

My guess is something bigger and badder was set up. If this is true, then the ante is upped for the good guys to prevent the next event.

October 14, 2009 at 11:40 AM

I don’t know, but I imagine it’s just the beginning in what will be a longer story. Even if the mystery of the flash forward is solved by the end of season one, the fact that it’s a self-contained story doesn’t mean that these bad guys are finished, just that April 29 will have come and gone.

Personally, my focus is on what was happening during the flash forward, as opposed to what caused it, as I think the villains needed the time to do something, and it necessitated every living thing being unconscious in order for them to accomplish it. Maybe the flashes are just what will happen on April 29 if they succeed with their grand plan?

Bob, I think your brain may explode when this and Lost are both airing. ;)

October 14, 2009 at 2:23 PM

i think some large hadrons collided.

i wanted to like this show and i’m still trying, but it’s wearing thin for me.

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