CliqueClack TV

CommercialClack – 30 seconds (and more!) of loathsome

This week, Tara and Michael launch into a few commercials that get under their skin -- Windows 7, Conan, and Jack in the Box.

Michael: Well … this could be “fun” this week.

Ever since viewing the Windows and Jack In The Box commercials below, I’ve had a bad taste in my mouth. It simply amazes me what companies think is good or appropriate to put on public television, y’know?

Tara: I hear ya, and you know I adore talking about things that bug me! Bring ‘em on!

Michael: First up, the Windows 7 commercial …

“Finally … a photo I can share without ridicule.”

Michael: Is she serious?!? Is that the bane of this woman’s existence — showing family pictures and being shamed because they don’t meet her standards? There’s something definitely wrong with her. Here’s a thought: Stop showing the photos!

“Windows gives me the family nature never could.”

Michael: What this says to me is you’re not real, you can’t stand your husband, you’re ashamed of your kids. Everyone enjoys a nice photo, but to fabricate something that isn’t real when it comes to your family speaks volumes. Of course you don’t want a toy coming out the kid’s ear … but if this dame truly believes the statement above, she’s got more problems than getting the troops to stay still while snapping a picture. Rather sad….

Tara: You know, things have gotten pretty sad when you can photoshop in some happiness where there is none. I feel like we’re all so busy trying to impress people now, especially with the advent of social media sites. This commercial kind of plays into that idea. Maybe she should say “Finally! Pictures I can put up on Facebook to prove how perfect my life has turned out!” Yeesh….

Michael: *snort* So … what’s going on with Conan O’Brien below?

Tara: My husband wanted us to talk about this commercial, as he felt so strongly about not liking it. And after seeing it a few times, I can understand why. Conan is so talented that if this was the best he could come up with (after a huge hiatus) to make us want to watch his new show, it simply should have been funnier. Very long setup for a low payoff. He’s better than this!

Michael: I’m not having too much of a problem with this one, Tara. I rather enjoy Conan’s berry stomping … and I dig his banter with the washerwomen. That’s typical Conan. However, I can see where you find it to be a desperate attempt to find an audience. They show the short version of this on television, but it’s still rather dull. But I know what you mean about long setup.

Finally, we have a reprehensible Jack in the Box commercial …

Tara: First of all, I know you, and I’m guessing the Jack in the Box guy freaks you out. That being said, I think he’s feeding this cholesterol-ridden crap to his Mom to kill her sooner. With regards to the “Viagra-like” 4 hour comment … eww. Isn’t Jack in the Box supposed to be a family restaurant?

Michael: Oddly, I’m not affected by Jack. Yes … he’s a clown. But he doesn’t bother me in that creepy, clowny way that others do.

I’m just flabbergasted this piece even got made. They actually air this on public television! Everybody involved in this piece must have been intoxicated the day they came up with this spot. That’s the only reasonable explanation I have for why the scenario above would even get produced!

Tara: Heh.

Are we off base with our personal dislikes about the commercials above? Let’s hear it from you out there….

Photo Credit: The Jim Henson Company

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4 Responses to “CommercialClack – 30 seconds (and more!) of loathsome”

November 12, 2010 at 6:54 PM

Oh my…the Jack in the Box ad… I was just talking about this last night (at length… I’ll save you the entirety of the rant as I’m already planning to blog about it later). To me this is a blatant attempt to market to a teen audience that is driving the “moral fabric” of this country (the world?) downhill at near terminal velocity. This is a casual swipe at the same type of humor that brings forth such timeless classics as Howard Stern and the Jackass franchise. It appeals to teens, and they now have the power to exert influence on the market… blah…

Anyway… I agree… horrible spot for so many reasons.

November 12, 2010 at 11:28 PM

The Windows spot is annoying. Personally, my favorite kind of photos to put on my FB account are the goofball, un-posed, real life kind. The Windows 7 commercial is simply pushing falsehood, which I find to be a lot like the OS itself. In an attempt to simplify it, as MS promised, it feels more constrained. I went back to XP because I felt that 7 made things more difficult and I see they’re advertising it using 21st century “smoke and mirrors” techniques.

The Conan one I have to agree was a lot of work for a little payoff, but it really didn’t bother me.

The Jack in the Box ad was so out of place tasteless that I don’t think I care to do business with them any more. Don’t get me wrong, I love tastelessness when and where it’s appropriate, but that was definitely the wrong place at the wrong time. On the bright side, now the “King” at Burger King with his overly shiny plastic head doesn’t seem so repulsive as the giant ping pong ball dude with the ice cream cone on his head does.

I think sorenj was right on the mark about the impetus for this type of ad and what I always found ironic about target demographics is it’s the 50 and over crowd who have the most disposable income. Why is it so important to get the 18-49 crowd? During that time I was first a broke student, then a struggling newlywed, then a broke parent. Now I’m close to having the last one out of the house and for the first time in my life I really have a decent amount of disposable income and nobody caters to my demographic.

November 13, 2010 at 8:02 PM

Your both spot-on with the Windows 7 commercial. I enjoy Conan (and this commercial) but a long setup with low payoff is not that uncommon for Conan, by the way I did see the Conan/TBS Blimp over Covina California today! I think the Jack in the Box commercial is funny, they have had this same irreverent theme of commercials since the “Your so fired” commercial.

November 15, 2010 at 8:25 PM

The Conan/TBS blimp was over San Gabriel/San Marino this afternoon, too. It did keep the 3-year-old from a 145th rendition of the tuna fish song, so that was a good thing.

Thanks to Dish and the DVR I don’t watch very many commercials. I do agree with your take on these: Jack is over and done with for me (not that I’m their target demographic anyway) and the photo one stinks for so many reasons. But then, look at the pictures I post of my family…warts, boogers and all!

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